All Women’s Association of Rising Entrepreneurs

AWARE – The All Women’s Association of Rising Entrepreneurs is a community run by and for the Women Entrepreneurs of India. Currently functioning as an invite-only community with about 100 members already, since its inception 6 months ago – AWARE is expanding further to entrepreneurs in different parts of the country and soon enough, abroad as well. 

AWARE : All Women's Association of Rising Entrepreneurs
AWARE : All Women’s Association of Rising Entrepreneurs

Formed as an initiative of CIIE.CO (the incubation organization of IIM-A) and Her & Now (a joint effort of Start Oasis, Rajasthan and GIZ), It brings together Women Entrepreneurs from various fields in Rajasthan to work towards the common goal of financial sustainability as well as growth opportunities across sectors. With more people joining in, it only gets better in enabling women to be self-sufficient and also provides skill development assistance through workshops, panel discussions along with networking and sales opportunities at various AWARE events.

Women of AWARE strongly believe that each one of them can grow better and stronger when each one of them supports all, truly forming the ethos of the organisation. Currently, the women from fields such as fashion, design, artisanal groups, crafts, marketing, education, skill, fitness, technology are part of the community which is expanding rapidly.

To become a member the candidates can reach out through social media handles ( ) or via existing known members. You can also send us an email on