Does the little voice in your head convinces you you’re not good enough, you are not prepared enough, qualified enough? 

 This devil in our heads holds us back from spectacular success. 

This internal communication. 

  • convinces us we will never make it.  
  • second guessing our every decision 
  • preventing us from taking bold actions. 
  • blocking us from grabbing opportunities, applying for new jobs, roles. Out of fear of failure 
  • we end up accepting lesser salaries, do not negotiate to our advantage. 

Basically, it’s stopping us to Reach our fullest potential. 

 Globally, women are found to have lower self-esteem, experience greater level of self-doubt. For centuries the gender bias, discrimination and the sub conscious belief that we are the weaker sex. 


 Women have made great strides in building a professional identity for themselves. Despite doing all the hard work – often in spaces that are more favourable to men – studies have repeatedly shown that lack of confidence among women is costing them their growth.   

I have made this my purpose in Life to assist young women – students, entrepreneurs.  It’s my purpose to provide access to quality, innovative, goal oriented, life changing trainings that enhance your potential using NLP (neuro linguistic programming) techniques to bring about a positive transformation in individual. 

I help professional women to overcome their self-limiting blocks & rebuild their confidence. So I would like to share my personal experiences that have worked for me and countless women like me 

  1. Make the most of your limitations – In the words of Tony Robbins, its not how much resources you have its how resourceful you are. Talk to people. Advocate your own work and create a network.
  2. Be your own cheerleaderI strongly believe the only validation a person should seek is from oneself leaving no room for self-doubt.  
    In times of anxious thoughts, hold regular conversations with yourself as a reminder of how far you have come. This can bring tremendous results by boosting self-confidence. 
    Being a successful woman in business means not subscribing to pre-determined expectations and instead, creating your own.
  3.  Keep your eyes on the goal
    The thrill you get from achieving the smallest goals is hugely rewarding and sets a cycle of moving forward.  One can begin by jotting down daily to-do lists and make sure to tick more boxes each day.
  4. Embrace failure
    Our biggest competitor is ourselves and beating the fear of failure and judgement from others can make a huge difference. 
     Instead of getting drowned in the situation, conditioning yourself to take the criticism in your stride. “Do not hesitate to get out of your comfort zone and be prepared to fail early and fail fast. I have failed at many things in my life, but that has never stopped me from moving ahead, learning from mistakes, and putting my best foot forward.”
  5. Practice self-compassion
    Undertaking self-assessment every once in a while, could help but with the understanding that it is normal to experience days of underperformance. 
    Don’t be hard on yourself. There will be valleys and peaks and one must learn to take both in their stride. Most importantly, to succeed in overcoming self-doubt, dedicate time to destressing –  by meditation, listening to music, reading a book, or spending time with loved ones.”
    “Only when we respect and love ourselves can we excel at what we do. When you face a setback, treat yourself how you would a friend – with kindness and compassion. Do not feel guilty about prioritising yourself and your mental well-being,”
  6. A good support structure can help
    A common sentiment is having a strong network of people to fall back on. “Everyone needs a safety net of people who we can turn to for the right guidance, mentoring, and inspiration when the going gets tough.
    These are few of the steps to beat Self doubt and create your wonderful admired self
    So I urge you, bring out your confident self every day,  bring out the warrior in yourself, commit to finding your true potential.
    Not just for yourself but for your daughters, your sisters and generations to come. Define your trajectory

Leadership communications 

– What if you could influence people to start a major change?  

What if you could reduce your team’s stress, increase morale, and help them surpass their goals?  

And, what if you could help your organization produce real business results? 

 Seems like a dream, but it’s what you can achieve when you’re a master communicator. : Meeta Mathur, Big Ladder

My name is Meeta Mathur. I’m a Life Coach, Career and Communication coach, NLP practitioner and speaker, using my 25 years of corporate experience to show organizations and leaders like you how to communicate with impact, influence and inspire your team.  

My purpose is to assist you improve your leadership communication so that you generate engagement and create impact on your company’s bottom line. I’ll share important concepts of NLP to effectively create influence.  

I’ll also provide you with the strategies to manage your anxiety, positive non-verbal communication. Impressive personal brand, engage in productive dialogue and tools to use when communicating across different circumstances, cultures. Communication in its simplest terms is just an exchange of information. But in reality, there are a ton of factors involved to do it effectively. That’s why I want to help you improve your leadership communication and grow into the respected manager I know you can be. Are you ready? Let’s do this. 

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